Diana Shearon
Drawing and painting are a passion in my life. As a little girl I would beg to be given the white butcher paper wrappings from my mother on which I would draw and color for hours. My first drawing lesson was in 1st grade in a rural Midwest schoolroom. Mrs. Olsen drew an elephant on the chalkboard using letters of the alphabet! I was thrilled to learn how to take those lines to create an image! As a teenager my frequent request for Christmas was a set of acrylic paints from the Sears and Roebuck Catalog (which I did finally receive when I was sixteen). I was fortunate enough to be able to attend the University of Arkansas in the late 90's and achieved my dream of an academic art degree. Working in the graphic design and photography field has been rewarding, but returning to the studio to become a full-time painter is a dream fulfilled.
“I am always continuing to search new approaches and techniques through workshops with artists that inspire me.”